Monday, February 2, 2009

dirty diva/dude race

It was a fun race they had a good showing for the dirty diva race also the dirty mile run for the kids. The dirty dude race was coed with about 60 runners. The challenges during the race were running through a set of tires, crab walking or bear crawling through about 5 inch's of water for 15 feet, crawling under a rope through water, climbing over a round bail of hay then running over 3 square bails of hay, crawling under ropes though 30 feet of sand & the last was to wear a pair of underwear over your running shorts the last 1/4 mile to the finish line. There was also a runner though out the course with gift tags attached to him you had to catch him to get a tag, needless to say I didn't even try to catch him running 3.1 miles is plenty enough for me. My son finished first in the under 15 group for his award he receive a bar of face & butt soap witch is fitting. My wife finished with one of her friends that was her friends first race. I finished I didn't run the whole thing but I was happy with my time a very fun race I will do this one again. My next race will be the Mardi Gras Mambo 10K on Feb 14 that was one of my goals to finish a 10K.

3.1 miles
43:05 min.
13:53 mile pace
877 cal burned


  1. Great job! That looks like a lot of fun too, great that your whole family could get out there and participate.
