Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back again

This pic is my son & me after the fathers day 2 mile run in New Orleans
Riding the Tammany Trace with my wife

Couldn't resist this one my new puppy she wore herself out digging a new hole & took a nap
It's been awhile since my last post, my weight has been all over the place up 2lb-down 2lb- staying the same. Its been interesting but I'm working through it. It's been so hot down here I have been thinking allot of it is how much water i drink probably close to a gallon a day. I have been mostly riding my bike in the last 2 weeks I have rode over 100 miles, this weekend was my longest to date I rode 32 miles Saturday & 17 miles with a 2 mile walk today. With it being so hot riding my bike you can make your own A/C just pedal faster. I haven't weighed in lately I will Tuesday for Kim's (rode to beautiful@ world press) weight loss challenge. She started a few weeks ago its a good kick in the butt to keep me moving. This one is short & sweet it's time for bed 4am is just around the corner. Just remember keep moving it gets easier or just sucks less.


  1. Hey! I have been wondering where you have been! It was hot up here in Michigan too for a coupel weeks, but seems to have cooled off this week! Great job on those races! I have my Triathalon relay this Saturday! I am relieved to know I can actually do the distance!

    I amposting results Wednesday night, so dont forget to email me!!!! :-)

  2. Good luck in the tri, I was telling my wife the other day how much better I feel. It feels good to know you can do a distance & not crash & burn. This weekend my wife is taking me on a 34ml bike loop close to home I now know I can do it. I still plan to do a tri. next year the swimming part is what will get me I swim like a rock.
